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A Rainbow Baby Home Birth

  • Baby Name: Emilia

  • Weight: 7lbs 9oz

  • Length: 21in

  • Birthday: 1/13/22

  • Gestation: 41+6

  • Location of Birth: Home in Cathedral City, CA

Our rainbow baby's due date came and went. Then, we all got hit with Covid. I felt so defeated and depressed. I felt like my dream home birth was going to be ruined. Would people want to be at my house if I went into labor? Would I have to go to the hospital by myself because hubs has the vid? So many questions & uncertainties going through my mind.

On top of all that, I started getting really intense contractions on Monday night (Jan 10th); contractions weren't close together, but they were strong enough to keep me awake through the night. No sleep for mama, but I rested and relaxed, listening to meditations and affirmations. Same for the following nights, and each night I was thinking/hoping, "tonight's the night!" Nope. Wrong again.

Wednesday the 12th was my prenatal with Katie, our midwife. She knew how depressed and anxious I was feeling after the week we had. We discussed possible induction options; planned to hold off until Friday, the official 42 week mark. But, I did ask her to check me, and I was 2 cm and she was still pretty high. With that, we planned to do belly binding, miles circuit, and lots of walking to help her be better positioned in my pelvis.

So, I wrapped my belly and went for a walk with Dani & Rocky. I had two major contractions there, and woah! I also did some curb walks out there. Then, I bounced and rolled around on the ball for a while. That's when contractions started getting more regular, about 7-6 minutes apart.

Around 7:30 pm, the contractions were around 5-6 minutes apart, and I had Gonzo text Katie to let her know that tonight's probably the night. The contractions were getting more intense and closer together. Gonzo started blowing up the birth tub, putting candles out, and filled up our bathtub in the bathroom, so I could get in and labor in there for a bit. Then, he called Katie to head on over.

When Katie and her team arrived, I was in my bathtub. I liked to pour water on my belly in between contractions. That was my rhythm, ritual and repetition. They began filling the birth tub because I was feeling that the contractions were beginning to change. I called them "whooshing" contractions, more like a downward push than a squeeze. When I got out, I asked Katie to check me because I had to know if I'd made any progress. I was 8 cm!!! I felt so relieved.

Then, I got into the birth tub. I could feel the shift in energy with stronger, downward pushes, but I had some mental blocks. Katie and Gonzo continued to gently reassure me that I'm doing great and she'll be here. After a bit more laboring and time passed, I asked Katie to check me again. I was 10 cm and she could feel the baby very close.

I asked Gonzo to get in the tub with me. He climbed in behind me and that added support, physically and mentally, making a great change for me. I knew she was coming very soon. It still seemed like I wasn't getting her down. Katie never told me to push or "push harder.” Katie's reminders that she will be here soon, and I'm doing great, and to "breathe baby down" were helping me so much. I asked her if there's anything else I can do. She suggested that I could switch positions if I'd like. I turned to be kneeling, facing Gonzo, and hugging him.

I think the shift and gravity helped. Huge surges rushed down and really helped me "breathe" her out. Dani (my 2nd daughter) came into the room and shortly after, the baby's head came out. One big wave later, her body slid out, and Katie told me to turn around and pick up my baby. She was here! I couldn't believe it. I laughed, I cried, and I kissed her so much. Frankie (my oldest daughter) came into the room and we were all there, all 5 of us. I was so excited that our rainbow baby was finally here. She is so loved.

After two miscarriages, almost two weeks "late" and covid, she made it to us safely. She was born after 6 hours of labor at 1:29 am on January 13th, 2022. Our shortest birth ever! Emilia was very much worth the wait!!!

What did your birth experience teach you about yourself?

All my birth experiences taught me to trust myself, trust my body, and that I am stronger than I think. Women are amazing!